Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Post Adoption Depression

Join with other domestic and international prospective adoptive parents on Monday, August 24 @ 6:00 pm at AAI's Meeting Room in Jenison, MI. The Meeting Room is right next to AAI's main building; the address is1352 Baldwin, Jenison, MI 49428.  We expect the meeting to last about one to one and one half hours. 

Our topic this quarter is Post Adoption Depression.  Post Adoption Depression refers to a combination of symptoms related to depression, experienced by an adoptive parent and occurring once a child is placed in an adoptive family's home.  The few scientific studies on PAD indicate that over half of adoptive mothers experience it ( depression.html).  

Kurt Ellis, MA, LLP will be speaking on PAD, as well as a panel of two adoptive mothers who experienced Post Adoption Depression.  We hope that you will join us to discuss this important topic! 

Everyone is welcome to attend--those who have adopted already, and have children placed in their home, as well as those who are "waiting."  We would like as many families to benefit from this meeting as possible.  These meetings are a great way to connect with other families who have adopted, or who are in the process of adopting as well.  Please contact your home study caseworker indicating that you are planning to attend and we will reserve a spot for you.